摘要: 今天小編為大傢帶來的主要內容是關於雅思大作文:旅遊類,雅思大作文是一個比較難的環節,為瞭讓廣大考生能夠順利的應對雅思大作文,小編就為大傢帶來的今天的內容,希望對大傢有所幫助。
雅思 考試中寫作是很重要的一部分,每個考生都希望寫出更精彩的作文,這就需要同學們在備考時多閱讀一些雅思大作文范文,學習其中的寫作思路和結構,這對自身 雅思寫作 水平的提高是有幫助的,下面 小馬 過河雅思就為考生們帶來一篇旅遊類方面的雅思大作文范文,希望能給考生們一些幫助。
Why and how to promote developing of tourism? According to the World Tourism Organization, tourism is both an Economic and Social Phenomenon. The big questions are: Why is tourism so important to develop? How to develop tourism in order to generate economical, social and cultural postive effects, and at the same time minimize its negative social and environmental impacts? It`s possible to achieve these two benefits at the same time?