摘要: 準備參加托福考試的同學們,如果托福寫作想要達到27分以上,那就好好讀讀下面的范文吧;如果你自己搞不定,那請來小馬過河,讓寫作名師幫你圓夢.
托福 寫作備考的重點在於練習和整理思路,包括 托福寫作 所有可能考到的題型,那麼對於思路整理最好的辦法就是看范文,從中找尋適合自己的寫作方法和素材。
Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement?
For future career success, is relating wellto other people more important than studying hard at school?
RobinsonCrusoe is only a dream hero existing in people's fancy world of imagination. Associal beings, humans can never do without the help and support from others.Isolation is the strongest enemy in one's career life. It has been widelyacknowledged that relating well to others paves the way for people to achieveprofessional success. However, that does not mean what has been learned inclass is not worthwhile. In my opinion, building good relationship with othersis as important as studying hard at school.