The wolf begins to c
The wolf begins to circle the boy. Claws of black steel. .fur as dark night. 野狼開始圍着這個男孩如鋼鐵般的利爪,如黑夜般的皮毛
Eyes glowing red... jewels from the pit of hell itself The giant wolf sniffing...savoring the scent of the meal to come. 眼裏發着紅光 如同萬丈深淵裏的兩顆寶石 巨大的惡狼嗅到 ------扎克·施奈德
Eyes glowing red... jewels from the pit of hell itself The giant wolf sniffing...savoring the scent of the meal to come. 眼裏發着紅光 如同萬丈深淵裏的兩顆寶石 巨大的惡狼嗅到 ------扎克·施奈德